Introduction to SuperCollider
I ran a three day “Introduction to SuperCollider” workshop at Resonate Festival ‘15. I had a great mix of participants, from a range of backgrounds: creative coders, iOS and web developers looking to try something new, 3D graphics programmers etc. Having such a technical audience was great, as we were able to cover a lot of material without getting too caught up on technical details.
We covered the basics of the SuperCollider environment, oscillators, envelopes, filters, polyphony, modulation (AM/FM/PM), audio playback and recording, building audio graphs, sequencing, generative music/algorithmic composition, machine listening, live coding and interfacing with hardware and external software.
Students then worked on their own mini-project, most worked on integrating SuperCollider into an project in openFrameworks, Cinder or Unity.
Novation kindly provided MIDI controllers for the workshop, both keyboards and launchpads.